Ishikawa Iemitsu (石川家光)

Iemitsu ISHIKAWA (year of birth unknown - April 28, 1330) is a busho (Japanese military commander) in the Kamakura period. He is the twentieth family head of the Mutsu Ishikawa clan, which was derived from the Yamato-Genji (Minamoto clan). He is the oldest son of Moriyoshi ISHIKAWA. He is the father of Sadamitsu ISHIKAWA and others.
Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade), Suruga no kami (the governor of Suruga Province) and Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade), Settsu no kami (the governor of Settsu Province)
His wife is a daughter of Yoshinari TATARA.

He went to Kamakura to see the regent Takatoki HOJO in December, 1318, and had an audience with the shogun Imperial Prince Morikuni. He went to Kyoto, where he was appointed to Jugoinoge, Suruga no kami.

In May, 1325, he went to Kyoto with his younger brother Ietaka, where he was appointed to Jushiinoge, Settsu no kami, and his brother to Jugoinoge, Yamashiro no kami (Governor of Yamashiro Province).

[Original Japanese]